0114 258 6133




  • Physiotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Musculoskeletal screening
  • Deep soft tissue massage


P Physiotherapy


Your initial assessment will last approximately 45 mins-1 hr involving both assessment and treatment. A detailed history of your problem and past medical history will be obtained and recorded prior to undertaking a thorough objective physical examination. Following your assessment a diagnosis will be given - where possible - and treatment options and goals will be discussed and agreed. Appropriate treatment will then commence. Follow-up sessions will arranged as required and will typically be 30 mins long although more complex issues may benefit from 1hr sessions.


Please note that in order to assess the area of complaint properly or to rule out other possible primary sources for your symptoms (eg some leg pain may originate from your lower back) you may be required to suitably undress. Therefore, please dress appropriately (eg. shorts if assessing lower limb OR back, vest top for assessing your neck/upper back pain).


If the therapist feels that physiotherapy input would be inappropriate for your condition or that further investigation was indicated, then you will be informed of the best course of action and onward referral will be sought as required.



Types of treatment you may receive


  • Joint mobilisations
  • Joint manipulation
  • Graded exercises relating to
    • strengthening
    • range of movement
    • balance/proprioception
    • core stablility
    • function
    • sports specificity


  • Soft tissue mobilisations and/or release
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage
  • Postural correction advice and exercises
  • Advice on the use of hot/ cold therapy
  • Taping/ Strapping
  • Electrotherapy (as available)
  • Advice on lifestyle change





Acupuncture has been employed for pain relief within Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

In comparison, its use within western medical settings is in its relative infancy but has gained much credibility due to a wealth of studies providing evidence supporting its efficacy and has led to major advisory bodies such as ‘The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence’ recommending that acupuncture be used as a first line treatment for conditions such as persistent, non-specific low back pain.


During your initial session a thorough assessment will be undertaken to record presenting symptoms, identify possible sources for your problem, and consideration of past medical history, current medication, and lifestyle will be integrated in determining the suitability of treatment.


Within your treatment, fine pre-sterilised single-use needles will be used to mainly target classic acupuncture points and myofascial trigger points. Needles will remain in for between 20-50 minutes and manipulated at regular intervals. Through manipulation of the needles, nerves are stimulated in muscles and other tissues in order to provoke physiological changes such as releasing chemical factors that influence immune response and vascular activity (to reduce inflammation), the release of natural pain relievers such as endorphins, decreasing muscle stiffness and improving joint mobility, and positively influencing the processing of pain within the brain and spinal cord.


It is recommended to eat approximately 2 hours prior to treatment, wear loose clothing for easy access to problematic areas, and try to avoid inducing stress or ingesting stimulants (such as caffeine) immediately prior to your appointments as they have the potential of being counter-productive to the positive effects sought from acupuncture.


For more information on acupuncture visit the AACP or BAcC websites.



Musculoskeletal screening


If considering returning to sport or work after a long time off, or considering embarking on an adventurous holiday (e.g. skiing/snowboarding, climbing, etc) it is possible that you may be 'deconditioned' and at an increased risk of suffering injury. The musculoskeletal screening service aims to identify key areas that may be deficient such as range of movement, flexibility, muscle power, core stability, balance and proprioception. The screening process will be approximately 50 mins long and does not involve 'hands-on' therapy. A report identifying key areas that may require improvement to reduce the risk of injury or to potentially improve performance will be compiled and appropriate home exercises will be given.



Deep soft tissue massage


Tight muscles and restrictions in the connective tissue around them (fascia) can commonly develop from heavy-duty work activity, participation in regular sport or simply through accumulation of the stresses of daily life. This can lead to reduced flexibility, myofascial pain, altered circulation, reduced performance and ultimately, contribute to the development of injury. Deep tissue massage can be of benefit to most people and aims to:


  • target and release myofascial restrictions thus reducing stiffness and soreness.
  • promote improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage to aid delivery of oxygen and nutrients, and also more efficient removal of waste products.
  • encourage improved muscle endurance and reduced fatigue.
  • speed up recovery following sport or injury.
  • reduce the risk of injury associated with myofascial restriction.


Your massage session will consist of a combination of massage and soft tissue manipulation techniques with the option of 30 mins or 1 hr sessions. Discomfort will be experienced during this type of massage as tender spots within the myofascial system are targeted and it is not uncommon to experience focal areas of soreness over the next 1-2 days post massage but this will settle.


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